How common courtesy can go a long way to helping you find friends in MMO's. The other players aren't your enemies guys.
Alludra the mannerly mage here helping you
Tons of games are out right now, getting expansions, new
content, or are just whole new experiences as a whole. This is a chance to make
new friends and start new MMO adventures
Seriously, you have no idea how many times I run an instance
or pug with strangers and find that everyone is exceptionally rude, the guilded
players, the unguilded players, the cross realm guys! Wow guys, way to win friends
and influence people.
Whether you like it or not, you are together to meet a
common goal, whether it is a dungeon, raid, World boss, or pvp event. I'm not
saying you have to be best friends, but a bit of common courtesy would go a
long way to making sure you don't accidentally burn some bridges.
Or you could sit there and insult everyone and wonder why
you aren't getting any heals. I am sure that just means the healer, who is
keeping everyone else topped of, just doesn't see you, standing in the fire and
insulting everyone.
Awesome, as always!