Wednesday, November 7, 2012

#35 Achievements

Achievements don't vanish once you change characters, but why spend all your time arguing about it?

Alludra the mannerly mage here helping you be the best player you can be!

Something I love about world of warcraft's new expansion is the changes they have made to the achievement system! I am a huge fan of the fact that all my toons seem to have my achievements linked on them and I can work on progress on whichever character I am currently on. After all, I am the one that earned them, I should get to see how I am progressing!

SO I love hearing how I didn't actually earn them when I am playing on an alt.

Thanks random player for telling me that the weeks of wiping on various bosses working on progression don't matter because I have switched characters. What's that? The horseman's mount I spent four years earning and got on a lucky drop on the wrong toon shouldn't apply to the character I truly wanted it on? We shouldn't question the all knowing RNG's wisdom is that it?

Look guys, like it or not, I worked hard for all my achievements, no matter what character I earned them on. Yes, a level 4 isn't likely to be a loremaster, but for some of us, these are awesome perks we got for working so hard on our characters in the first place.

So what do you say we all live and let live and keep the pvp in the battlegrounds?

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