Wednesday, January 9, 2013

#40 Endgame

All that content, so little time!

Alludra the Mannerly Mage here helping you become that popular guildie!

Let's face it, Blizzard has put a lot into World of Warcraft lately? How much? Well too much actually! How can a player do their dailies every day, instances, and level their professions while still farming and doing pet battles? Well then answer is simple, you weren't meant to!

See the variety of things in the game to do aren't meant to be done every single day, and while I am sure there are players out there who do manage to do a lot, it's not fair or even reasonable to ask everyone to do everything every day or week.

The content is there so we can pick and choose what to do at what rate that makes the game the most comfortable for us. If you are feeling overwhelmed concentrate on one or two aspects of end game until you are done.

And just because your system is working for you don't assume it's the blanket answer for everyone. Remember, we all do things differently, including game. 

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